Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Robbers and Babies

I was pretty worried about my bees sunday, there were tons of bees on the front of the hive, and it looked like they might be fighting, so we thought they were being robbed! An experienced bee keeper told us to creep down there at night and put a screen over the enterance, then check in the morning, and if there were bees trying to get in, then those were robber bees. Well thats what we did, and no robber bees in the morning, so I dont know what was going on that day! So we took the screen off, and then had a quick look inside... TONS of bees! The new babys are here!! All of the brood is hatching for the first time, and the hive is quickly filling with baby bees :) So just to be safe, we put on the second deep super (dont want them swarming when we are gone!)

Look at all that capped brood, now, those baby bees are all hatching out and joining the hive! Ill have to get some updated pictures up soon!

If you look closely, you can even see some capped honey (or sugar syrup probably still) in the top corners on both sides.

And this is some of Dads comb. His bees are hatching out too! And he has 9 frames with comb on them now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bee Update

This time, its just a quick update about the bees :)

About 6 frames are fully drawn out in my hive, so its almost time to put on another super. We saw my queen when inspecting, she looks good... and busy, there were tons of bee eggs! On Dads top bar hive, there are about 7 frames with comb on them and an 8th one started. We havent seen his queen, but there are eggs, so she is in there somewhere, (hopefully!)

And another thing, I really thought it would take getting used to, to not be afraid of them, but I am pretty calm with them flying around me already. I don't know about anyone else, but I was afraid they would always just be trying to sting me, you know "My Girl" style, when I got anywhere near the hive. They are suprisingly docile, they just land on you, and chill out, or ignore you for the most part and just walk around. I love them already! I just hope they do well, and live through this first year!!